Keep Me in the Loop!

Workers Fight Out Against Potential Age Discrimination TODAY: WORKERS TO RALLY AGAINST BOLTHOUSE FIRINGS

For Immediate Release:  
July 24, 2007      

Workers Fight Out Against Potential Age Discrimination TODAY:

What:  Dozens of workers will join the UFW in front of Bolthouse Farms to protest against the company’s recent firings of more than 40 of its workers. 

Workers were fired Friday, July 13, 2007 without notice or warning.  Some workers had more than 20 years experience with the company.  The UFW is currently investigating legal options for the fired workers, since the majority of those fired were older workers.

NOTE:  English translation will be available

When:  Today
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
3:15 p.m.

Where:  Front of Bolthouse Farms
                    7200 East Brundage Lane
                    Bakersfield, CA 
Who:   Armando Elenes, UFW External Organizing Director
  Fired Workers

Visuals:  Workers protesting in front of company entrance after being fired without warning from Bolthouse Farms

Contacts:   Alisha Rosas, UFW Press Office, (909) 969-7284
