Keep Me in the Loop!

Day 2: Peregrinacion for the Fallen Farm Worker

Day 2: Peregrinacion for the Fallen Farm Worker

GALT  en route to THORNTON     About 50 walkers set out from St. Christopher’s Church in Galt  Monday morning on the second of a four day peregrinacion to the state capital in memory of Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, a 17-year-old farm worker who died due to heat stress on May 16.

Maria Isabel was working for Merced Farm Labor in a vineyard owned by West Coast Grape Farming outside of Stockton, CA. Her body temperature was 108.4 degrees when she was finally taken to a hospital nearly two hours after she collapsed.

On June 1, some 600 walkers set out from St. Anne’s Church in Lodi on their way to Sacramento. Leading the solemn procession were three coffins – one for Maria Isabel, her future family, and the third for all the other farm workers who have died due to the heat.

Farm workers, supporters and those who simply wanted to honor Maria Isabel’s memory came from all over California – from Salinas in the west, Napa in the north, and Kern County in the south – so that what happened to Maria Isabel does not happen again.

The peregrinacion will arrive at Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel, 8544 Oak St., Thornton sometime between 3 and 6 p.m. today.

The group will set out on the third leg of the peregrinacion at approximately 8 a.m. Tuesday from Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel.

Below is a detailed street by street route the peregrinacion will follow.

DAY 3 (Tuesday, June 3)
(Thornton to S. Sacramento) Start at Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel

 -West on W. Thornton Rd.
 -Right on Thornton Rd. (.3 miles) – becomes Franklin Blvd.
 -Right on Bilby Rd. (12.1 miles)
 -Left on Willard Parkway (12.5 miles) – becomes Franklin Blvd.
 -Right on Mack Rd. (19.1 miles)
 -Left on Tangerine Ave. (19.3)
End of Day 3 and Rally at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 7595 Center Parkway, Sacramento, CA

DAY 4 (Wednesday, June 4)
(So. Sacramento to State Capitol)

 -take Center Parkway North
 -Left on A Parkway (1 mile)
 -Right on Franklin Blvd. (1.3 miles)
 -Left on 47th Ave. (2.7 miles)
 -Right on 24th St. (3.6 miles)
 -Left on 22nd Ave. (5.1 miles)
 -Right on 23rd St. (5.3 miles)
 -Left on 20th Ave. (5.4 miles)
 -Right on 21st St. (5.6 miles)
 -Left on Sutterville Rd. (5.8 miles)
 -Right on Freeport Blvd. (6 miles)
 -Left on Broadway (7.5 miles)
 -Right on 10th St. (8.3 miles)
