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Diverse Communities in Central Valley, CA Come Together and Join 50 State Strategy of the National Campaign to Reform Immigration FOR America

Diverse Communities in Central Valley, CA Come Together and Join 50 State Strategy of the National Campaign to Reform Immigration FOR America

Local labor, faith, business, elected officials and community leaders will gather on Wednesday, January 13th to participate in the 50 State mobilization of the Reform Immigration FOR America Campaign, a broad-based national effort to fix the broken immigration system through comprehensive immigration reform legislation
WHAT:   Press conference and congressional visits to demonstrate the national need for immigration reform with a 50 state strategy to Reform Immigration FOR America.
WHEN:   Wednesday, January 13th 2010 at 10:30 a.m.
WHERE:  2500 Merced St., Fresno, CA 93721 (cross street "O street")
WHO:     Community, Faith, Labor, Students, Elected Officials and Business leaders, including:
Diana Tellefson, Executive Director of the United Farm Workers Foundation  
Blong Xiong, Council member, District 1 of Fresno  
Father Michael McAndrew, Multi-Cultural and Campesino Ministry Director, Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno
Student Leader – Maricela Ceballos-Lara
Rufino Dominguez, Executive Director of the Center for Binational Oaxacan Indigenous Development  
Reverend Sharon, Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries and Director of Presbyterial Refugee Ministries  
Organizations and individuals interested in joining the Campaign to Reform Immigration For America can do so by visiting:
or in Spanish:
Individuals interested in joining are encouraged to text “justice” or “justicia” to 69866.
