Keep Me in the Loop!

UFW: Stop Texas from erasing Cesar Chavez and all Hispanics from school textbooks

UFW: Stop Texas from erasing Cesar Chavez and all Hispanics from school textbooks

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez today (Jan. 13, 2010) issued the following statement from the union’s La Paz, Keene, Calif. headquarters.

Today the Texas’s State Board of Education is scheduled to hear public testimony on proposed new standards for social studies texts that would eliminate all Hispanics since the conquest of Mexico in the early 16th Century from state school books. Since Texas is such a major textbook purchaser, such a move could have a nationwide impact.

Cesar Chavez, arguably the most important Hispanic civil rights leader of the 20th Century, is among the historical figures to be erased. One of the state board’s so-called "experts," ideological extremists making recommendations, said Cesar Chavez "lacks stature…and contributions" and should not be "held up to our children as someone worthy of emulation." Also eliminated are a number of key Texas history makers such as Irma Rangel, the first Hispanic woman elected to the state Legislature.

The United Farm Workers is outraged that a handful of right-wing ideologues want to decide what should be taught in our schools by revising history and eliminating all people of color. The Texas State Board of Education and its president, Gail Lowe, must understand that a full and accurate teaching of the diverse history of Texas is required in taxpayer-supported school texts.

Board members and their appointees have complained about an "over representation of minorities" in current social studies standards. This is ironic as Hispanics will soon comprise the majority of all Texas public school students.
