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Members of the local clergy join workers at Giumarra vineyard praying for no more heat deaths as weather gets warm

Members of the local clergy join workers at Giumarra vineyard praying for no more heat deaths as weather gets warm

Members of the local clergy will join workers at a Giumarra table grape vineyard this morning near Bakersfield to pray that no more farm workers die from exposure to the heat during this year’s harvest season.

Fifteen California farm workers have died from the heat since 2004, most in the Central Valley and two employed by Giumarra. Those deaths helped the United Farm Workers convince Governor Schwarzenegger to issue the first state regulation in the nation protecting farm and other outdoor workers from dying or becoming ill from exposure to extreme heat. The UFW and the American Civil Liberties Union are suing the Schwarzenegger administration over its failure to properly enforce the regulation.
    Today’s prayer service, organized by the UFW, will express the hope no more workers will succumb to the heat this year. The prayer and blessing will start at 11 a.m. at a Giumarra field in Arvin. A short program in Bakersfield will take place at 10 a.m. before heading to meet the field crew. Giumarra has a long history of intimidating its workers and subjecting them to death and injury from exposure to extreme heat. Giumarra workers say they are pitted against each other to work faster in triple digit temperatures to avoid being suspended.

WHO: Bakersfield clergy, farm workers and UFW

WHAT:  Religious leaders will be praying, so no farm worker dies from heat illness this summer.

WHEN: Thursday, May 13, 2010

WHERE:  Short program starts at Believers in Jesus Church, 600 Planz Rd., in Bakersfield for a short program. Delegation head to meet at 11 a.m. with a field crew laboring at a field located at Sandrini Rd and Wheeler Ridge Rd.
