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Hundreds of farm workers rally Latino voters for Jerry Brown in San Jose and Gilroy

Hundreds of farm workers rally Latino voters for Jerry Brown in San Jose and Gilroy

Hundreds of farm workers will walk neighborhoods to help convince Latino voters in Santa Clara County to turn out on Nov. 2 to make Democratic Attorney General Jerry Brown the state’s next governor.

Farm workers will join United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez for get-out-the-vote rallies in San Jose and Gilroy before visiting more than 10,000 voters during the day. They are scheduled to arrive at both cities at 9 a.m.

As governor from 1975 to 1982, Brown helped Cesar Chavez and the UFW push through the Legislature California’s pioneering 1975 law granting farm workers the right to organize and bargain, abolished use of the infamous back-breaking short-handled hoe, brought farm workers coverage under unemployment insurance and appointed an unprecedented number of Latinos to high public office.

WHO:     Hundreds of farm workers and UFW President Arturo Rodriguez.
WHAT:   Rallying and visiting Latino voters behind Jerry Brown’s gubernatorial candidacy.
WHEN:  Sunday, Sept. 19, 2010; workers arrive at 9 a.m., start walking neighborhoods at 10am, Lunch at 2pm.
WHERE: South Bay Labor Council Hall, 2102 Almaden Rd. Suite 107, San Jose 95125 and Rosso’s Furniture, 6881 Monterey Rd., Gilroy 95020.