Keep Me in the Loop!

Statement by UFW Foundation’ Executive Director, Diana Tellefson Torres regarding the Department of Justice Report on Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

The UFW Foundation applauds the Department of Justice for its decision to protect the constitutional rights of every person in the United States. While we are pleased that after a thorough investigation the department found evidence of racial profiling and civil rights abuses on behalf of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, more work is needed to ensure that similar practices are not employed by law enforcement officials in any state.This week the Supreme Court agreed to examine Arizona’s SB 1070, in the spring. The UFW Foundation hopes the Supreme Court will stop this misguided law. Our elected leaders in Washington need to do their job and pass comprehensive immigration reform. The UFW Foundation is proud to continue to fight for humane immigration reform. Furthermore, the Foundation opened its newest office this year in Phoenix, Arizona to work to safeguard the immigrant community and help avoid future discriminatory issues that result from 287g and the Secure Communities program. The new office will continue to help the immigrant community to become integrated into American society and protect the civil rights of all immigrants in Arizona regardless of their legal status.