Keep Me in the Loop!

Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers of America, ‘The Roadmap to Citizenship Goes Through Bakersfield,’ August 14, 2013—Bakersfield

Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America
‘The Roadmap to Citizenship
Goes Through Bakersfield’
August 14, 2013—Bakersfield

When Republican congressman Steve King called young Dreamers drug mules, the House Republican leadership quickly condemned his despicable comments.

But that same House Republican leadership allowed a vote and then repealed the Deferred Action Program for young people.

They gave Steve King a vote and voted with King on his amendment to deport these young immigrants.

Now the House Republican leadership refuses to give us a vote offering 11 million new Americans a pathway to earned citizenship.

The House Republican leaders—such as Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy—tell us to “wait.”

Hundreds of farm workers are here today. Workers from all walks of life ARE HERE TODAY!

The House GOP leadership tells us to wait.

But when growers ask us to pick mushrooms, they don’t say wait; they say hurry up!

When growers ask us to pick tomatoes, they don’t say wait; they say hurry up!
When growers ask us to pick strawberries or tree fruit or lettuce and vegetables, they don’t say wait; they say hurry up!

“The Roadmap to Citizenship Goes Through Bakersfield.” And that is why we are here today. This is Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s district.

We expect the House Republican leaders like Kevin McCarthy to do one simple thing: Give us a vote on a path to citizenship in September.

Si Se Puede!

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