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California farm workers to benefit from minimum wage increase

California farm workers to benefit from minimum wage increase

Gov. Jerry Brown promised to sign bill giving the state’s lowest-paid workers a 25 percent raise

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement after the California Legislature overwhelmingly supported an increase in the minimum wage from $8 an hour to $9 next July and $10 by January 2016. Gov. Jerry Brown has already promised to sign the bill into law.

 "The United Farm Workers thanks lawmakers who voted to increase the minimum wage. We know thousands of farm workers and their families will truly benefit from this $2 raise.  The UFW has spent the past three years working with lawmakers and pushing for an increase on the minimum wage. In 2010, the UFW organized focus groups with union and non-union farm workers on issues of concern and priorities for them and their families, and it was clear that one of their concerns was to get at least a $2 increase on the minimum wage. The UFW then approached Assemblyman Luis Alejo with this request on behalf of farm workers, worked intently with lawmakers, and now we are happy to see this goal close to becoming a reality. Together, we can make a difference that benefits those who need it the most. Si Se Puede"

