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Central Valley Leaders Release New Poll Data Showing Voters Want Action on Immigration Reform

Central Valley Leaders Release New Poll Data Showing Voters Want Action on Immigration Reform

Leaders Call on Republican Congressmen Nunes, Denham, and Valadao to Cosponsor New Immigration Bill

 On the heels of mobilizations across the state to push Congress for action on immigration reform, new polls from three key California districts show overwhelming support for reform with a path to citizenship from likely voters across the political spectrum.

Today, October 10th, at 10:00 am at Fresno City Hall, Central Valley leaders PICO California federations Congregation Building Community -Modesto, Faith in Action – Kern County, and Faith in Community –Fresno along with United Farm Workers, and America’s Voice will release new polling and call on their representatives in Congress to do their job and create a path to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans this year.  The polls were conducted this week by Magellan Strategies, a Republican-affiliated polling firm, in the following districts: Denham (R-CA 10th District), Valadao (R-CA 21st District), and Nunes (R-CA 22nd District). 

While immigrants and advocates are demanding action from both parties, it is Republicans who hold the keys to the agenda in the House (see “Getting to a Majority).  While immigration reform has long been a priority for Latino voters, these latest polls show that all voters from California’s 10th, 21st, and 22nd districts want their elected representatives to support legislation like HR 15 (a version of which already passed the Senate) and schedule a vote this year.  Across the country and with voter support, we will continue the massive push launched during the August congressional recess to defeat Arizona-style racial profiling legislation being proposed in the House and to win a vote this fall for “real” immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship.

WHAT:      Press conference to reveal new immigration reform polling and call on Central Valley representatives in Congress to vote on HR 15 and create a path to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans this year.

WHO:        Pastor CT Lewis, Pastor Natalie Chamberlain, Erika Oropeza, United Farm Workers National Vice President, Estefania Hermosillo (DREAMer), and Fresno City Council Members       

WHERE:    Fresno City Council, 6820 N Chance Avenue

VISUALS:    Poll charts, posters, signs, DREAMers, clergy, immigration reform t-shirts, and children

The UFW, UFW Foundation, Campesina Radio Network, and the Cesar Chavez Foundation have been actively involved in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform through its ‘Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles’ (With the United Farm Workers, we will get our papers) nationwide campaign. Last week, the farm worker movement launched a three-day campaign called "Harvesting the American Dream" and went to 100 of the largest farms in California collecting signed postcards from farm workers urging Congressman Kevin McCarthy to push for a vote in the House on immigration reform with citizenship. More activities are being planned for the month of October. To get involved, visit our website at or call a UFW office in your area.
