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UFW and agriculture employers to deliver thousands of letters urging a vote on immigration reform to Congressman McCarthy’s district office

UFW and agriculture employers to deliver thousands of letters urging a vote on immigration reform to Congressman McCarthy’s district office

Immigration reform legislation, pending a vote in the House, includes the agricultural provisions negotiated by the UFW and major growers associations

Bakersfield, CA – On Wednesday at 11 a.m., Manuel Cunha Jr., president of Nisei Farmers League, Armando Elenes, a United Farm Workers vice president, and a group of Central Valley farm workers will be delivering more than 7,500 signed letters and postcards collected from those working in California agriculture to House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s district office in Bakersfield. The letters from people working in agriculture, a number of them who live in McCarthy’s district, are asking that he act and support immigration reform.

The signed letters and postcards were collected within the past two weeks from some of the largest farms in California, but mostly from the Central Valley. The goal is to urge Congressman McCarthy to exercise his authority and persuade members of the House to vote on comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship this year.

"As Majority Whip and California’s most powerful Republican, Congressman McCarthy not only has the power but a duty to represent one of California’s leading industries," said Elenes.

The UFW and growers want House Republican leaders to allow the democratic process to move forward and schedule a vote on meaningful immigration reform legislation, including the jointly negotiated compromise between the UFW and the AWC to ensure America’s farmers, ranchers and growers have access to a secure and stable workforce now and in the future.

When:             Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013, 11 a.m.

Where:           Kevin McCarthy’s office
                        4100 Empire Dr., Suite 150
                        Bakersfield, CA 93309

Who:               Manuel Cunha Jr., President, Nisei Farmers League
                        Armando Elenes, National Vice President, United Farm Workers of America
                        Farm workers