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Grandson of the late Cesar E. Chavez joins farm workers, and faith and local leaders in 24-hour fast, urging House vote

Grandson of the late Cesar E. Chavez joins farm workers, and faith and local leaders in 24-hour fast, urging House vote

Andres Chavez, 19, says fasting for day in solidarity with “Fast for Families” would be something his late grandfather would do in calling for passage of comprehensive immigration reform legislation this year

Bakersfield, CA − Today at 11 a.m. will mark a significant time as Andres Chavez, the grandson of the late Cesar E. Chavez, as well as several immigration reform supporters, including a Cal State Bakersfield professor and immigrants affected by current immigration laws, fast at the Liberty Bell in Downtown Bakersfield where they will begin the national ‘Fast for Families’ campaign with a 24-hour solidarity fasting. The Bakersfield fast is part of a national effort, which kicked off on Nov. 12 at the National Mall, with several activists who are refusing to eat until the House Republican leadership votes on immigration reform legislation.

“Today, I’m undertaking a much more modest fast, but it is not unlike what my grandfather did. I’m not fasting as a tactic to win political support for immigration reform,” Chavez said. “I’m fasting to reach into the hearts and minds of people—in this case the Republican members of the House of Representatives who are holding up immigration reform.”

Hundreds of Latinos, Asian Americans, faith, union, and community members across California and other states have joined the national Fast for Families in which participants have begun abstaining from all food to highlight the moral crisis caused by the nation’s broken immigration system.  Participants will fast and pray in a spirit of hope, calling on elected leaders to show moral leadership in the spirit of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and Cesar E. Chavez.

Fasts are being held in key targeted congressional districts where House members are key on influencing a vote for immigration reform or where the Republican leadership has refused to address the No. 1 issue for Latino and immigrant voters. Those lawmakers include, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfield, and Republican Representatives Gary Miller, R-Rancho Cucamonga; Buck McKeon, R-Santa Clarita; Ed Royce, R-Fullerton; and Jeff Denham, R-Modesto.

In Bakersfield, at least 11 individuals of different walks of life have committed to abstain from food for 24 hours. Their plan is also stay overnight at the Liberty Bell to call attention to McCarthy and the urgency for him to settle on immigration reform before the end of the 2013 session.

“Congressman McCarthy, who is the third most powerful Republican in the House, must do his job and challenge Speaker (John) Boehner to act immediately on reforms that are critical to the state’s economy and can restore dignity for families living in the shadows,” said United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez.

The fasters are: Angelica Orbe Avila, United Farm Workers (UFW)/UFW Foundation; Jaime S. Vega, UFW/UFW Foundation; Andres Chavez, Cesar E.Chavez’s grandson; Maria Barajas, UFW/UFW Foundation; Connie Hudson, United Domestic Workers/Kern Coalition for Citizenship; Dr. Gonzalo Santos, California Faculty Association-Bakersfield Chapter; William Cortes, CHIRLA; Erasto Teran, CHIRLA; Michael Jennings, United Food and Commercial Workers-Local 8; Josth Stenner, Faith In Action; and David Villarino Gonzales, Farmworker Institute of Education and Leadership (Bios attached). Many others, including UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, who will join from D.C., will fast in solidarity with the group.

What: 24-hour solidarity fast in Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s district

When: Wednesday, Nov. 20, kick-off program at 11 a.m.; Mass at 5:30 p.m. (Liberty Bell). Fast closing the following day, Thursday, Nov. 21, at 11 a.m.

Where: Liberty Bell, 1400 Block of Truxtun Ave, Bakersfield, CA  

Who: Twelve fasters, kick-off ceremony speakers include: All fasters, Angelica Salas, CHIRLA’s executive director; Armando Elenes, UFW national vice president; Willie Rivera, Bakersfield City Councilmember and the Kern Coalition for Citizenship and The California Table for Immigration Reform.

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 The California Table for Immigration Reform is a statewide coalition of over 85 community, labor, faith, youth, small business and allied organizations. Among the groups participating in the action are United Farm Workers of America, United Farm Workers Foundation, Mi Familia Vota, a Latino voter registration and mobilization organization; PICO; the California Labor Federation; members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Locals 521, 721, 1000, and the United Long Term Care Workers, CHIRLA, and CARECEN, a civil rights organization for Central American immigrants

 The UFW, UFW Foundation, Campesina Radio Network, and the Cesar Chavez Foundation have been actively involved in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform through its ‘Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles’ (With the United Farm Workers, we will get our papers) nationwide campaign. Earlier this month, farm worker movement women along with other women’s organizations, and immigrant rights groups mobilized women in support of common-sense immigration reform that will keep families together and empower women. A group of brave women occupied for 12 hours House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s district office in Bakersfield urging him to push for a House vote. More activities are being planned for the month of November. To get involved, visit our website at or call a UFW office in your area.