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UFW President Arturo Rodriguez Meets with President Obama on Executive Action

UFW President Arturo Rodriguez Meets with President Obama on Executive Action

President Commits to Working with United Farm Workers to Make Sure All Eligible Farm Workers Get the Deportation Relief they Need and to Keep Working for a Permanent Solution for all Farm Workers 

Washington, DC—Today, Arturo Rodriguez, President of United Farm Workers (UFW), met with President Obama to discuss his forthcoming executive action announcement and its impact on farm workers.  Following is a statement from Rodriguez in response to the meeting:

“We were pleased to learn from the President today that at least 250,000 farm workers (and at least 125,000 California farm workers) will be eligible for deportation relief under his executive action. 

“The President committed to working with UFW to do everything possible to make sure that every farm worker who qualifies for the program gets enrolled, and we are prepared to work with him and Congress to finish the job by passing legislation that fully addresses this issue once and for all.”   

Today’s meeting follows a mock Thanksgiving feast in front of the White House, in which farm workers from across the country presented an array of food items harvested and processed by immigrant workers.  See more from today’s event here.

 Con la Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles!‎
