Keep Me in the Loop!

9/21/12: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez – Help stop farm worker heat deaths

Speaking of the perils pesticides bring farm workers, Cesar Chavez once asked, "What is the worth of a man or a woman? What is the worth of a farm worker? How do you measure the value of a life?" The United Farm Workers still battles against toxic poisons that can threaten both farm workers and consumers.

But exposure to extreme heat continues to pose just as deadly a threat to farm workers. Much of the problem is a lack of state enforcement of California’s existing rules to protect farm workers from dying or becoming ill from the heat. This summer the UFW convinced the California Legislature to pass and send two bills to Gov. Jerry Brown. AB 2346 would let farm workers enforce state rules themselves by suing agricultural employers who repeatedly fail to comply with mandatory requirements for shade and drinking water. AB 2676 says employers must treat farm workers at least as well as animals by providing shade and water or face the same criminal penalties the law imposes when animals are denied these necessities, including possible jail time and fines.

The agricultural employers are lobbying intensely against the measures. We can’t assume Gov. Brown will sign these bills. Won’t you please urge the governor to do the right thing because the lives of farm workers are valuable. You can help by going to

Arturo S. Rodriguez, president
United Farm Workers of America