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9/01/14: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez: Gerawan farm workers also want to celebrate Labor Day

Gerawan farm workers also want to celebrate Labor Day

On Labor Day, when millions of Americans celebrate labor, workers at Gerawan Farming should be getting extra holiday pay. But they’re not because their employer, one of the biggest grape and tree fruit growers in America with over 5,000 workers, refuses to honor a union contract issued by a neutral state mediator—after Gerawan refused to negotiate one with the workers’ union, the United Farm Workers.

Gerawan workers also didn’t get extra holiday pay on Labor Day last year. Or on other holidays such as July 4th of this year. By refusing to honor the contract, Gerawan is getting out of paying its workers millions of dollars.

Prosecutors for the state of California have filed four complaints—like indictments—against Gerawan for breaking the law, that includes refusing to negotiate in good faith and refusing to honor the state-issued contract.

Gerawan needs to be made to obey the law and honor the workers’ union contract. Then thousands of Gerawan workers can get their extra holiday pay on Labor Day—plus all the other pay raises and benefits from the contract.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America