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5/14/14: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez re Immigration reform and Bakersfield Rep. McCarthy

All of the Central Valley’s Democratic and Republican U.S. representatives expect one support immigration reform, which is strongly supported by both growers and farm workers. We are sure that Republican U.S. Reps. Davia Valadao, Jeff Denham and Devin Nunes would give us a vote for immigrants and the agricultural provisions of the bipartisan immigration reform bill passed last year by the Senate that would sustain our nation’s agricultural industry.  

Only one member of Congress from the valley is not representing the valley he serves, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield.

If Rep. McCarthy won’t cast a vote for immigration reform, then he should at least let the other House members from the Central Valley and the entire House of Representatives have an opportunity to vote on immigration reform. All we’re asking of Rep. McCarthy and other House Republican leaders is to schedule a vote so the democratic process can move forward and legislation can be voted on that will greatly benefit our country and economy. Win or lose, this is the American way and the basis of our democratic process.

If Rep. McCarthy continues to stop a vote, there may be another opportunity for us to vote. Recent polls in California indicate that three-fourths of Californian voters support immigration reform. There’s a good chance Californians will be given the opportunity to express themselves in a statewide advisory measure this November. And if given the opportunity, we’re sure that the majority of Rep. McCarthy’s constituents will support this measure.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America