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18 Dole farm workers illegally fired in 1994 to get checks for $162,000

5 p.m. Friday, July 10, in Delano

18 Dole farm workers illegally fired in 1994 to get checks for $162,000

Eighteen former farm workers for agribusiness giant Dole who were illegally fired in 1994 after asking to speak with a supervisor about concerns they would not receive overtime pay will instead receive $162,000 Friday as a result of charges filed by the United Farm Workers. Each worker will get a check for $9,000.

When a foreman demanded they work extra hours in May 1994, 18 workers at Dole Farming Inc.’s fields near Maricopa were worried they wouldn’t receive legally-required overtime pay. So they asked to speak with the company supervisor. When they showed up for the meeting the next morning, the workers were fired. That month, the UFW filed charges against Dole on behalf of the workers with the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB).

In July 1996, the ALRB issued a decision siding with the workers. After initially appealing the farm labor board’s ruling, the Bakersfield-based firm which grows grapes and citrus in Kern County agreed to settle the case for $162,000.

UFW Vice President Lupe Martinez will be on hand at the union’s "Forty Acres" office in Delano as ALRB Regional Director Ed Cuellar hands out checks to the 18 ex-Dole workers. Also attending the check distribution in Delano will be farm workers who have filed charges with the ALRB against other growers arising out of threats and retaliation due to support of the union.

Who: ALRB Regional Director Ed Cuellar, UFW Vice President Lupe Martinez, 18 former Dole farm workers.

What: Handing out $162,000 in checks to ex-Dole workers who were illegally fired by the agribusiness giant in 1994.

When: 5 p.m., Friday, July 10, 1998.

Where: The UFW’s "Forty Acres" Union Hall, Metler Ave. & Garces Hwy., just west of Delano.

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