Keep Me in the Loop!

11/29/12: Message from UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez on immigration reform

As a new Congress and a reelected President prepare to take office we are convinced genuine immigration reform must take place in 2013. It must be a comprehensive solution that benefits everyone, both citizens of this country and immigrants who come to this country with the sole desire to work hard and contribute to our nation’s economy and welfare. Before President Obama spoke before 7,000 people in dedicating La Paz in Keene, California as the Cesar Chavez National Monument last October 8, we spoke with him in private about the urgent need for meaningful immigration reform. He vowed to us, and he has repeated in public, his determination to make reforming immigration a top priority in the new year.

We have continued these conversations since the election, in particular the push for comprehensive reform benefiting both growers and farm workers. We are also in talks with congressional leaders and we are analyzing different proposals from both Democrats and Republicans. As proposals are advanced and considered, the United Farm Workers will ensure that the needs of farm workers and their families are honored.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America