Keep Me in the Loop!

1/31/12: Message from UFW President Arturo S Rodriguez

This election year is the most important in memory. We hear this claim almost every presidential election year. But it was never more true than in 2012, for farm workers, Latinos and all working families. From Arizona to Alabama, cynical Republican politicians are appealing to people’s bigotry and prejudice by scapegoating immigrants, people who usually can’t defend themselves. In Alabama, hardworking immigrant parents are pulling their children out of school and leaving the state. Alabama growers can’t find enough workers to pick their crops. Some, though not all, Republican politicians insist they’re only targeting undocumented immigrants. But time after time, GOP politicians, from presidential candidates to local elected officials, are using thinly veiled code language to pander to the anger of tea partiers and other rabid right wingers who hold all immigrants, at least those with dark skin, in contempt.

We can fight back! All of us who can need to be come U.S. citizens. Those who are citizens must make sure they are registered to vote. All who are registered to vote must turn out to vote for President this year on election day.

Arturo S. Rodriguez, President
United Farm Workers of America