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1,000-plus farm workers, supporters march for “No Gallo!” 4 days before contract talks resume

12 noon Sunday, July 17,  in San Francisco

1,000-plus farm workers, supporters march for
“No Gallo!” 4 days before contract talks resume

Four days before contract negotiations resume between Gallo of Sonoma and the United Farm Workers, more than 1,000 farm workers and supporters will stage a “No Gallo!” march Sunday through the Mission and Castro districts and down Market St. in San Francisco to step up pressure from the new boycott on the wine industry giant.

United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodriguez leads the marchers, including hundreds of farm workers arriving in The City from Napa , Sonoma and Monterey counties and the Central Valley .

The Sunday trek follows a silent vigil and prayer service Saturday by top national religious leaders and local activist at Gallo of Sonoma’s exclusive MacMurray Ranch in Healdsburg. There, some 2,000 wine connoisseurs sample wine from 125 wineries and gourmet food from 50 chefs as part of the “Taste of Sonoma” gala sponsored by the Sonoma County Wineries Association.

On Tuesday, UFW supporters in 19 U.S. cities take part in the union’s first National Day of Internet Organizing for “No Gallo!” They will gather in the offices of unions and other groups—in cities that include Oakland , San Jose and Santa Rosa —to forward the Gallo boycott appeal to their personal address books and their organizations’ list serves.
The second UFW boycott of Gallo wine in 32 years and the union’s first major nationwide boycott in more than two decades kicked off on June 14, when hundreds of farm workers and activists rallied on the steps of San Francisco City Hall .

Sunday march route in San Francisco: Begins at 12 noon in Dolores Park, 18th St. and Dolores St.; west on 18th St.; north on Castro St.; east on Market St.; south on Dolores St.; east on 16th St.; south on Mission St.; to BART station at 24th & Mission for final rally.

Who: More than 1,000 farm workers and supporters, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez, Assemblymember Mark Leno, Supervisor Tom Ammiano, S.F. Labor Council leader Tim Paulson.

What: “No Gallo!” march through Mission and Castro districts four days before contract talks.

When: March starts at 12 noon, Sunday, July 17, 2005.

Where: Dolores Park,
18th St.
Dolores St , San Francisco
(see route above). and (see route above).
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