Arturo Hernandez Vasquez, Mayor of Tangancicuaro, ...

Baldomero's a farm worker leader who works under a...

Ernesto sent us this video from Wasco California, ...

Marisol is from Bakersfield CA and she's proud to ...

Maribel, a blueberry worker says, "This March 31st...

Aurelia & her coworkers just won a UFW contract in...

Carina works in Oxnard, CA harvesting strawberries...

Alberto is a Madera area farm worker. He says, I w...

Gia shared this vid of farm workers harvesting cel...

¡Acompáñanos en la transmisión en vivo de la 2...

Guillermo's worked under a ufw contract for 20 yea...

Gabriel harvests grapes in Bakersfield CA: I thank...

Weeding a lettuce field is hard work. Swinging a ...

Guillermina's harvested CAs grapes, blueberries, c...

Rosa, a Kern County farm worker, says, "I honor Ma...

Celia is a Central Valley sweet potato worker. She...

Raúl is pruning apple trees in Mattawa WA. He sha...

If you feel confused or don’t know where to star...

Vicente is pruning grapevines. He's labored for 2...

3/16/66: Sen Robert F. Kennedy came to Delano for ...

Having broccoli with your dinner? It gets there du...

Marcelino's carrying long 35 lb irrigation pipes o...

Drinking wine this weekend? Here's a step on the w...