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Mike Nelson, Miembro de UFW

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Mike Nelson and his daughter Jazmin are happy for his UFW contract and the support and representation the UFW has given him. He wants to wish all our supporters a happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Mike Nelson y su hija Jazmín están felices con su contrato de la UFW, el apoyo y la representación que la UFW les ha brindado. Quieren desearles a todos los partidarios un feliz día de acción de gracias y una feliz navidad. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Mike Nelson

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Mike Nelson and his daughter Jazmin are happy for his UFW contract and the support and representation the UFW has given him. He wants to wish all our supporters a happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Mike Nelson y su hija Jazmín están felices con su contrato de la UFW, el apoyo y la representación que la UFW les ha brindado. Quieren desearles a todos los partidarios un feliz día de acción de gracias y una feliz navidad. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker

Posted by UFW on Friday, December 8, 2017