From Our Hands to Your Tables: Juvenal Medrano works for D’ Arrigo Brothers. He says, “Thanks to our union contract, I have insurance. Right now, we are picking this product that may be at your tables this #Thanksgiving. Lastly, I would like to thank our union because I will be paid that holiday. #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / Juvenal Medrano trabaja para D ‘Arrigo Brothers. Él dice: «Gracias a nuestro contrato sindical, tengo seguro. En este momento, estamos eligiendo este producto que puede estar en sus mesas este Día de Acción de Gracias. Por último, me gustaría agradecer a nuestro sindicato porque me pagarán esas vacaciones. #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou

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