From Our Hands to Your Tables: Claudia Ramirez works for Premiere raspberries where the UFW recently won an election. She says, “My job consists of harvesting blackberries for the company, Premiere Raspberries. I have worked there for 13 years. We, the workers, have been asking the company to sit down and negotiate a just contract that will endow all of us with equality, rights, and benefits.” #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / Claudia Ramirez trabaja para Premiere frambuesas donde el UFW ganó recientemente una elección. Ella dice: «Mi trabajo consiste en cosechar moras para la compañía, Premiere Frambuesas. He trabajado allí durante 13 años. Nosotros, los trabajadores, hemos pedido a la empresa que se siente y negocie un contrato justo que nos otorgue a todos igualdad, derechos y beneficios «.
From Our Hands to Your Tables: Claudia Ramirez , Berries
From Our Hands to Your Tables: Claudia Ramirez works for Premiere raspberries where the UFW recently won an election. She says, “My job consists of harvesting blackberries for the company, Premiere Raspberries. I have worked there for 13 years. We, the workers, have been asking the company to sit down and negotiate a just contract that will endow all of us with equality, rights, and benefits.” #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / Claudia Ramirez trabaja para Premiere frambuesas donde el UFW ganó recientemente una elección. Ella dice: "Mi trabajo consiste en cosechar moras para la compañía, Premiere Frambuesas. He trabajado allí durante 13 años. Nosotros, los trabajadores, hemos pedido a la empresa que se siente y negocie un contrato justo que nos otorgue a todos igualdad, derechos y beneficios ".
Posted by UFW on Tuesday, December 12, 2017