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Bipartisan bill for farm worker immigration needs Senatorial support

Bipartisan bill for farm worker immigration needs Senatorial support

Our bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act passed in the House of Representatives on December 11, 2019 and is now in the Senate for consideration. Your representative has supported the bill, but needs senatorial support if the bill is to pass. Can you please take a moment today to sign the pledge asking your senators to support the Farm Workforce Modernization Act? The senate needs pressure from the public if we want this bill to become law.


The Farm Workforce Modernization Act was introduced in Congress on November 11, 2019, and passed the House with a resounding 260-165 vote that shattered party lines. If passed in the Senate, this bipartisan legislation will safeguard the rights of farmworkers by creating a way for undocumented workers to earn temporary protected status. Then, by following a guide laid out in the bill, long-term workers can eventually earn citizenship.

If passed, our agricultural workers and their families will no longer live in fear of deportation. These hard working individuals help put food on our tables and with this law they will finally be recognized as the valuable contributors to our economy that they are. They will be able to live stable lives while helping grow our agricultural industry. Pledge to contact your senators and urge them to support this historic and essential bill.

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As your constituent, I ask you to vote for the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019 when it reaches the Senate floor and voice your support. The bipartisan legislation provides undocumented farm workers and their families a way to gain temporary legal status and follow a roadmap to earned citizenship through continued agricultural employment. It also addresses grower concerns and priorities for their workforce, including changes to the H2A program and long voiced concerns of Republicans by including E-Verify. The bipartisan bill was introduced November 11th by a bipartisan coalition, and passed the House with a 260-165 vote December 11th. In addition, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus has endorsed it.
Growers, farm workers and the nation they feed must have a real solution. They need you to support this vital legislation. As your constituent, I hope I can count on your support. Thank you.