Manténgame al Tanto

UFW mourns Msgr. George Higgins, one of Cesar Chavez’s ‘greatest champions’

UFW mourns Msgr. George Higgins, one of Cesar Chavez’s ‘greatest champions’


United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement from the union’s La Paz, Keene, Calif. headquarters concerning the death of Monsignor George Higgins:

All of us in the farm workers movement were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Msgr. George Higgins. During a remarkable career that spanned much of the latter part of the 20th century, Msgr. Higgins served as a key bridge between Americas labor and religious communities. He challenged both the trade union movement and the clergy to live up to their highest ideals by ceaselessly advocating for the poorest and most defenseless workers in our country.

During good times and bad, there was no greater champion of Cesar Chavez and the farm workers cause than Msgr. Higgins. He was by Cesar’s side at the UFW’s greatest triumphs and during its darkest days.

For example, working with the Catholic Bishops Committee on Farm Labor, Msgr. Higgins encouraged table grape growers to negotiate with the union during the turbulent 1960s and was a witness on that historic day in Delano on July 29, 1970 when Cesar and Delano-area grape growers signed their first union contracts after five years of striking and boycotting. He was also a witness during the bloody central California grape strikes of 1973, upholding Cesar’s commitment to nonviolence even as thousands of farm workers were arrested for violating unconstitutional anti-picketing injunctions, hundreds were beaten by grower goons, dozens were shot and two striking grape pickers were killed.

Across the decades, Msgr. Higgins never passed up an opportunity to stand up for farm workers and other working people in need. He earned many honors during his life. President Clinton presented him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. But Msgr. Higgins’ greatest accomplishment was living that commandment from the Book of the Prophet Micah in the Old Testament: "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God."

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