Manténgame al Tanto

Mushroom worker kids leads hundreds marching down Oxnard streets for a better life with a UFW contract

4 p.m. Wednesday, May 31, in Oxnard
Mushroom worker kids lead hundreds
marching down Oxnard streets for a
better life with a UFW contract

A march by hundreds community members led by more than 150 children of low-paid mushroom workers will hit the streets of Oxnard Wednesday demanding a better life through a United Farm Workers contract with Ventura County’s largest mushroom producer.

Pinned to the kids’ shirts will be the UFW’s distinctive red flags with the black eagle and the words "We want a contract!" in both English and Spanish. Their parents and other marchers will carry signs reading "Picksweet negotiate now!" and "Pizza hut help us in our struggle!"

The signs refer to more than 350 workers at Picksweet Mushroom Farms in Ventura who are trying to convince their employer to negotiate a UFW contract. Workers earn up to 15% less than those employed at other California fresh mushroom ranches where there are UFW contracts. Most have not seen a pay raise in four years. Workers also want an end to on-the-job favoritism and a better medical plan. So far, Picksweet has resisted reaching an agreement.

One of the biggest purchasers of Picksweet mushrooms is Pizza Hut, with roughly 7,000 U.S. restaurants. Workers are asking Pizza Hut to encourage Picksweet to negotiate in good faith with the UFW.

The march’s focus on children underscores an effort by parents and others in the community to teach lessons about self-sacrifice and service to others. "My mother and father taught me to struggle" and "I’m proud of my father and he deserves justice at his job" are examples of other signs the kids will hold.

Who: Hundreds of mushroom workers, their children and supporters, including Ventura County Supervisor John Flynn and Oxnard Mayor Pro-tem John Zaragoza.

What: Urging Picksweet Mushroom Farms to negotiate in good faith for a United Farm Workers contract.

When: 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2000.

Where: Rally at Oxnard’s La Placita Park, "C" St. at 5th St.; march proceeds north on "C" St. to the corner of "C" St. & Gonzales Rd. in Oxnard.

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