Manténgame al Tanto

Hundreds protest Gallo of Sonoma by forming ¡®human billboard’ along Santa Monica Blvd.

10:30-11 a.m. Thursday, March 10,  in L.A.

Hundreds protest Gallo of Sonoma
by forming ‘human billboard’ along Santa Monica Blvd.

Hundreds of L.A. student, labor and community activists on Thursday will protest Gallo of Sonoma’s refusal to conclude a union contract providing benefits and decent pay its work force by forming a “human billboard” stretching more than a mile along Santa Monica Blvd. It reflects an escalation of public pressure on the winemaking giant.
The protest also marks 18 months since Gallo of Sonoma workers have been laboring without their United Farm Workers contract and four months since the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board ruled in a unanimous decision that the company illegally tried to decertify—or get rid of—the Cesar Chavez-founded union.
Since Gallo of Sonoma workers voted overwhelmingly for the UFW in a 1994 election, the company has refused to provide any health or other benefits to the great majority of its workers supplied by farm labor contractors. Gallo of Sonoma also pays wages that are inferior to those provided by other wine grape growers in California’s fabled Northern California wine country.
A focus of Thursday’s event is Beverages and More (BevMo) liquor stores, the largest chain liquor retailer in the state. It sells much Gallo of Sonoma wine. BevMo has refused UFW appeals to contact Gallo of Sonoma urging it agree to a fair union contract.
The farm workers history with Gallo dates back at least to 1973, when the UFW’s contract with Modesto-based E&J Gallo Vineyards Corp. expired and Gallo selected the Teamsters Union to represent its workers. That sparked a bitter strike and boycott of Gallo wines. A 1975 nationwide Louis Harris poll showed millions of Americans were boycotting Gallo wines in support of the UFW.
Last year more than 30,000 Americans signed an on-line petition urging Gallo of Sonoma to avoid a new boycott by negotiating in good faith. For background, visit
Who: Hundreds of L.A.-area student, labor and community activists.
What: Forming a mile-long “human billboard” to protest Gallo of Sonoma’s refusal to conclude a fair contract with its winery workers.
When: 10:30-11 a.m., Thursday, March 10, 2005.
Where: Along Santa Monica Blvd. between La Brea and Fairfax in L.A. (Event organizers located at ________.)
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