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Farm Workers Affected by Citrus Freeze Hold Vigils in Central Valley Offices. UFW Foundation Asks Members of Congress to Push for Federal Disaster.

Farm Workers Affected by Citrus Freeze Hold Vigils in Central Valley Offices UFW Foundation Asks Members of Congress to Push for Federal Disaster

What:   Farm workers devastated by the citrus freeze are currently holding vigil sit-ins in all Central Valley’s Congressional offices asking them to push the federal government to declare California a federal disaster area.

President Bush’s signature on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) certification is the last step needed to bring in federal relief funds, which would benefit thousands of citrus farm workers and their families devastated by this year’s freeze.

As of yesterday, U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein (both D-CA) along with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sent a second letter to President Bush pushing the critical need for federal relief.  Approximately 28,000 citrus farm workers may be left jobless as a result of the freeze in the San Joaquin Valley alone.

The UFW Foundation calls upon the remaining Central Valley Congressional members to also write letters to federal officials pushing the need for a federal disaster declaration, which would provide relief to the farm working families in crisis.

Where:  Vigil Sit-ins held at the following offices until 5 p.m. TODAY:
  Congressmember Jim Costa (D-CA)
  Congressmember Devin Nunes (R-CA)
  Congressmember George Radanovich (R-CA)
  Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
  Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
  Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Visuals:  Citrus Freeze farm workers praying at vigil sit-ins asking Central Valley Congressional members to push the federal government to declare California a federal disaster area.