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Fresno: UFW and community leaders urge Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign road safety bill

1 p.m. Thursday in Fresno
UFW and community leaders urge Gov.
Schwarzenegger to sign road safety bill

    Leaders of the United Farm Workers and community groups will join together for a news conference Thursday outside a DMV office in Fresno urging Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign the Immigrant Responsibility and Security Act to encourage safer roads and highways by making sure all California drivers are licensed and trained. It is one of a number of events held by bill supporters across the state.
    The bill, by state Sen. Gilbert Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), was approved by both houses of the Legislature Friday evening. It is strongly supported by many of California’s top law enforcement officials.
    “Sen. Cedillo responded to the governor’s call for security provisions in the bill by requiring all immigrants applying for drivers’ licenses to submit fingerprints and photos as well as agree to state and federal criminal background checks, UFW President Arturo Rodriguez says.
    “Immigrants are ready to take on increased sacrifices to get drivers’ licenses,” the UFW leader continues. “Not one dime will come from California taxpayers to implement the bill. Immigrants will pay for all costs, including background checks and higher fees for their licenses.” Under the bill immigrants would also have a licensed citizen vouch for them and applicants would sign affidavits saying they understand a driver’s license doesn’t entitle them to vote, serve on a jury or purchase a firearm.
Who:  United Farm Workers and community leaders.
What: Urging Gov. Schwarzenegger to sign the drivers’ license bill for immigrants.
When:  1 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 2, 2004.
Where: Outside the DMV office, corner of Olive and Golden State in Fresno.
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