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UFW condemns U.S. immigration raids, urges comprehensive immigration reform

UFW condemns U.S. immigration raids,
urges comprehensive immigration reform

Raids by the Bush administration’s Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement such as those targeting immigrant workers at Swift & Co. processing plants in six states on Tuesday have been condemned by the Cesar Chavez-founded United Farm Workers of America.

“Almost everyone agrees our entire immigration system is broken, and that our
government records and databases are full of holes,” says UFW President Arturo Rodriguez. “Given that reality, sending riot gear-clad armed agents to terrorize hard working immigrant workers is shocking and not fitting with American values.

”It’s time for the federal government to stop victimizing workers and reform our
immigration system,” Rodriguez continues. “The solution needs to include a clear path to earned legalization for undocumented immigrants who are living here and contributing to the U.S. economy.”

Rodriguez urges enactment of the UFW-sponsored AgJobs bill (S. 359, H.R. 884) the earned legalization measure for farm workers, and adopt similar principles for comprehensive immigration reform. This bipartisan AgJobs proposal—negotiated by the UFW and the nation’s agricultural industry—would let undocumented farm workers earn the right to permanently stay in this country by continuing to work in agriculture. It was included in the comprehensive immigration reform plan passed by the U.S. Senate last May.

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