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AFL-CIO: United Farm Workers Launch #FieldFotos Online Action

United Farm Workers Launch #FieldFotos Online Action

Image via United Farm Workers Facebook page.

The United Farm Workers (UFW) is launching a digital day of action today urging farm workers and supporters to support the Senate immigration bill (S. 744) and a road map to citizenship for aspiring citizens. 

Using the hashtag #FieldFotos on Facebook and Twitter, the UFW is asking supporters to share stories and images of farm workers online. Here are ways you can help, via the #FieldFotos campaign page:

Steps for the photos from the Field Campaign are:

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1. Farm workers and supporters: Take a photo(s) holding a poster/banner that says “Con La Unión de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles” or “I support farm workers and S. 744.”

Farm workers: You can also take pictures in the fields to show what a day at work looks like.

2. Select Facebook, Twitter or BOTH.

3. Upload the photo to Facebook, Twitter or both.

4. Use the following Farm worker or Supporter sample messages on Twitter and Facebook:

.@Senator_____ I am a farmworker in Fresno & I need you to vote for the #CIR bill. #FieldFotos @UFWupdates @UFWF

.@Senator_____ I am a farmworker supporter in Bakersfield & I need you to vote for the #CIR bill #FieldFotos @UFWupdates @UFWF


*Note: Make sure to put a period (.) before your tweets. “.@Senator….” It allows the tweet/post to be public.


5. Use the hashtag #FieldFotos at the end of your message on Twitter and Facebook.

6. On TWITTER, include @UFWupdates and @UFWF.

7. On FACEBOOK, include @UFW Foundation and @UFW. Note that these account names are different from our Twitter account names.

8. Finally share, post or tweet the picture and brief message.