United Farm Workers
Imagine a plan with your kids that begins “If I don’t come home from work”

Maria Cisneros and her family have a plan that most American families don't need. It details exactly what Maria's two daughters should do if Mom and Dad don't come home from work. The reason that having this kind of plan is crucial for Maria's family, and so many families of farm workers, is that Maria and her husband don't have legal status. You can help.

Maria says, "The immigration situation causes our whole family stress. So many immigrant families are dealing with the same issues. Even just getting pulled over for a simple traffic stop because a taillight is out or something, it scares us and our kids ... I think that the conditions on the farms are worse for undocumented workers because they take advantage of us because our legal status makes us vulnerable."

The new Biden administration is more sympathetic to farm workers like Maria -- but sympathy doesn't change the very real threats the workers face. 

That's why the UFW and farm workers are excited that the Farm Workforce Modernization Act passed the House. We're also apprehensive because we face an enormous challenge to get this bill passed in the Senate -- though indications are President Biden would sign it, if it ever reaches his desk.

Isauro Reyes has spent the last 22 years working in American agriculture. Isauro has built a life here. But he has never been able to gain legal status. When his mother in Mexico was ill, he was not able to go back to visit her. She has since died and he will never recover from the pain of not being at her side. “I told my brothers I would send money to bury her ... because if I left, I would not be able to return."

When the Farm Workforce Modernization Act becomes law, Maria, Isauro and other workers will finally be able to come out of the shadows. Too many farm workers are afraid to obtain a driver's license or speak up against workplace violations. 

So many people care about this reform and so many lives are affected by it. We need to all join together to finially win farm worker legalization.

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