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UFW endorses Darren Soto for U.S. Congress

UFW endorses Darren Soto for U.S. Congress

The United Farm Workers of America has endorsed central Florida state Sen. Darren Soto in his run for the U.S. Congress, representing the state’s 9th Congressional District, citing his record of advocacy for immigrant families and his tireless dedication to immigrant rights.

The UFW looks forward to working together with him to enact comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship and as an advocate for farm workers.

As a state lawmaker, Soto has been a strong advocate for the immigrant community. He worked alongside Daniel Barajas and the Young American DREAMers to pass in-state tuition for DREAMers. That same year, Soto sponsored an amendment making it possible for immigrant law school graduates to sit for the Florida State Bar and become licensed to practice law in the state.
